Brownie Points for My Brother

Thanks to my big brother, MTRB is back online!!! Last summer I talked about prepping for natural disaster. Getting hacked gives me a chance to remind you all to stay up to date with wordpress and plugins, back up frequently, and stay calm should someone use their spare time for malicious intent. Just think what this world could do if the time people spent hacking little websites like mine was spent doing something good for the world. 

Anyhow, I’ll have the last years posts up soon and we will be more secure than ever. I also have a current backup, so if they get me again I’ll be prepared. Some tips on how to make your wordpress site more secure:

1. Stay up to date on everything

2. Replace “admin” and don’t post using “admin”

3. Run malware software on your computer (even macs)!

4. Install “better WP security” plugin

5. Delete unused plugins

6. Change passwords frequently and choose good passwords.

🙂 -Blythe

3 thoughts on “Brownie Points for My Brother

  1. Deborah Soszko, MT-BC

    I’m elated that the site is up and running again! And I’m very glad that natural disasters and hackers haven’t kept you down 🙂 I so enjoy your podcasts and blog entries; keep up the fantastic work!

    Deborah Soszko, MT-BC

  2. Glenn

    I’m glad the blog is up and running so I can begin to follow. I’m a Pastor with a Music Ed background who serves part time at a retirement community which includes memory care. I’m interested in research in the area of music therapy and aging specifically memory care.

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